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Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 21:19:08
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
Message: John Baker, Susan Walling, and all others who helped.
I think you did a wonderful job at the Cougartown picnic. I wish I could have stayed beyond 2PM but I had other commitments. It was nice to meet Cougs
of all ages. I hope to be able to come to the next event.
Hi Don, Nice to meet you and yes please come to as many events as you can. I hope you saw some old friends and made new ones, as that's what Ctown's all about.
Name: Marna Smeltzer () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 20:15:27
E-Mail: marna@redondochamber.org
Maiden: Niles
Class: 69
Message: Great Job on the web page! I never expected to be moved by the memories but I was.
Thanks Marna, that means lots.
Name: CHERYL () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 20:10:27
E-Mail: chernico
Class: 62
Message: THEY WON!! THEY WON!! I knew it as soon as I heard about the earthquake, I knew the Cougars had won and all of you alumni were jumpin up and down and screaming, then the PARTY afterward. NO WONDER ! ! (wish i coulda been there) mumble mumble
You're right Cheryl, that earthquake wasn't centered under Halcap field, but was actually triggered by elated Cougs. I wish you and John could have been here too. This was the best one yet......
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 19:53:02
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: Golleee John, you should be feeling mighty fine about all the friendships you have rekindled - even romances! Thank you for your continuing efforts. I saw so many former students at the stick and stein. I hope I didn't miss anyone. It was an overwhelming experience to realize I had touched so many lives. I am humbled and I love you all. The VFW breakfast was fun and good.(John had dark green SOS[you are a good sport, John]). I discovered that Mom B and my current neighbor are lomg time friends. John, please send me Bill Ashdown's address so I can send him pictures of his mother's seat and plaque. I have not yet "come down" from such a glorious weekend.
Love to all, HCH
Thanks Mr. P, My sentiments exactly. I'm still floating after the last 3 days. Tired, but elated that it came off so smoothly and proud to be a Coug!!!! I wouldn't trade one person I met this weekend for a hundred dollar bill.
Yes, I guess Loren Heath HHS64, had heard me complaining about the drab, colorless SOS at the VFW last month, so he made me a "Special SOS Plate" this morning. Thanks Loren, lots better this month and there will be pictures.
Name: LGW () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 17:39:27
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: A very heartfelt thanks to (first) Susan Walling for organizing and setting up the picnic (on about two hours sleep!). It was fantastic and Susan deserves at least a blue ribbon and a pat on the back for her accomplishment!
And (second) to John Baker for inventing this group and egging everyone on until they complied! You must have majored in rabble-rousing, John :-).
And (third, but never least) to everyone else who helped set up the picnic (Eddie c/0 88 and Patty c/o 90), Joyce (selling shirts), Kathy (selling memberships) and everyone else -- where would the day have gone without you?
It's hard to believe you did all this for Dave and me so we could have a nice day in the park during our trip to LA and play games and then WIN ALL THE PRIZES :-).
Laura and Dave, Thank for making the trek to be with your peers. Yes, Laura and Dave made off with lots of very expensive Ctown prizes. I think one of the big ones was a Cougartown gunny sack. That one hurt.....
Name: Gerry Bierman () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 17:10:10
Class: 64
Message: Remember The Kokomo!!!
Name: Jim Fox () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 16:35:21
E-Mail: puffup@soca.com
Class: 66
Message: King John... Congratulations and thanks for a grand homecoming weekend! It was a little exhausting watching you kids play football, but other that that, my family and I had a great time. I think the only way you could improve on this reunion is simply to have another.
Thanks Jim, I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with you and your father, and finally meeting your family. You've got lots to be proud of in your Hawthorne roots.
I say amen to having another Picnic in the park, but let's leave out the part where I think I'm Bill Sloey in his prime OK. I found out the hard way that my football days are WAAAAY behind me and if the truth be known, I was just out there to impress our beautiful mid 70's class cheerleaders. Thanks Jim for being there and for bringing the family.
Name: Geneva () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 16:25:39
Maiden: Clements
Class: 1958
Message: I would like a current address for Lu Linda Knox Tucker and LaDesa Ogren Stempfley. This Site has brought back so many wonderful memories. Thank you.
Thanks Geneva, OK folks, can anyone help Geneva in her search???
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 15:07:14
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: I'mwatchingallyoubadboys!!!
Class: 64
Message: Surprise---Nasty Boys!!! I know you're all at the VFW BREAKFAST right now. This is ROWDY JUDY talking here... and ya, I'm suppose to be in bed with my feet up (don't go there John) but I heard that you were raking me over the coals pretty bad in CT.. so, since no one was home with me to keep me down (don't go there again John) I sneaked to work to check it out...& OH YOU NASTY BOYS! 50 something men-in 16 year old high school mentality minds. I should be back in action by Wed. so put the house for sale..and shut down your puters...JUDY'S ALMOST BACK--and there's less to get between me and you now fellas.. ( boy, you can't even go in for a boobie job in peace)
Look out boys, Judy has done snapped her strap and gone totally berserk. She's been to the 99 cent store again, and has loaded up on Rowdy Beer. No tellin' how crazy that green stuff'll make her. I say we all meet over here so we can at least sleep in shifts.......
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 12:40:24
E-Mail: froman@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: There is no need.... I say to provide an abundance of the raspberries to "The Dailybreeze."
Yeah Sure! "letsjustgopartyatstickandsteinforget thegamecuzinglewoodisbad2.com
Message: read it and weep" Payback! Retribution!! Tar Feathers and a rail!!! Or all of the above? Nay, We should expect a humble (but very painful) apology as well as penance! King JB! What shall the punishment be? How are all the voices these days... recovered? Robin? Are you back? Really sorry we missed the function... Royal is on the mend, Judy, too! How goes it for Bill Cusac, any word?
Hi Frank, The penance shall be to have the Daily Breeze "Cold Callers" call at least 4 times a day to inquire if our "Daily Breezer" would like to subscribe to said rag. This shall go on until Hawthorne and Long Beach Poly meet once more, on the Coliseum gridiron floor for the CIF Championship, and Hawthorne wins by at least 24 points.
I heard an unofficial report at the game on Friday, that Bill is on the mend. Get well Bill; we need you back in Cougartown. Judy too, is getting back to her........well, I can't say "Old Self", because much of "That" has been donated to the home for mammary challenged women in Pacoima, where now over half of them have been upgraded, and have happily been released back into society. Thank you Judy. You just give and give and give and give and gi......
Name: John Baker () on Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 10:36:14
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Homecoming Weekend Update:
Friday night, the Mighty Cougars came away victorious over the Inglewood Sentinels by a score of 29-14.......I think. Anyway, it was a pretty good whompin'. We had an overwhelming turnout at the game and after game party. Let's just say, "The Place Was ROCKIN". This morning, it's time to regroup and head out for the Picnic in the park. If you can make it, please come on down to Rec Park in El Segundo. We'll see you there and party on Cougs!!!
Name: Susan () on Friday, October 15, 1999 at 09:34:13
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Class: 77
Message: HAPPY HOMECOMING! Just a few reminders before King JB shuts the Feedback pages down.
Game begins tonight at 7:00 at HHS, admission is $5.00 per person.
Joyce Chance will be selling the awesome Cougartown t-shirts at the football game and picnic only! If you want a shirt, bring your $19.00 to the game and see Joyce.
We will be having a 50/50 raffle! Grand Prize winner will split the $$$ and 35 additional prizes will be raffled! That's 36 chances to win so get in on the fun!!!! Tickets will be sold at the game and Stick & Stein and the drawings will begin at 9:30 PM at the restaurant.
Don't forget to bring those tapes and CD's so our DJ can play your favorite songs.
Saturday's picnic is sure to be a blast! We have games and fun for everyone. Please bring your blankets, beach chairs, and picnic lunch. Don't forget those Cougartown Heavenly Chocolate Cakes for our bake-off! There is parking available on three sides of the El Segundo Rec Park. You can enter these lots from Eucalyptus, Sheldon, or Pine Avenue. The park is large, but there is only one picnic area so look for the 'scarlet and gold' and you'll find us!
Kathy Lorig Stonebraker will be signing people up for membership at the picnic. If you are interested in becoming a Cougartown member, please bring your $10.00 and see Kathy at the registration booth.
For everyone who can't make it this weekend, have a great time wherever you are and we know you'll be there in Cougar Spirit!
See you all tonight!
Thanks Susan, I will add that if you enter the parking lot off of Pine and look to your right, we are right there in the BBQs and the trees. It IS a gorgeous park.
With that said, it's time to stop the preparation and start the party.I am READY TO RUMBLLLLLLE !!!!!
See you all tonight and be prepared to have a great time.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Friday, October 15, 1999 at 07:20:45
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: I'll be thinking about all the FUN, FUN, FUN that will be going on when all you Cougars and Cougarettes are in the BE TRUE TO YOUR SCHOOL mode this weekend.
I will be on my way to Cincinnati for the Association of Records Managers and Administrators Annual Conference. If there are any other displaced Cougars attending this Conference or living in Cincinnati leave a message on the Message Board.
Color me sad for having to miss this full weekend of fun and friendship that will be happening in So Cal. But looking forward to ordering a tee-shirt when I return.
"The Association of Records Managers and Administrators" or a bunch of HHS Alumni on Homecoming weekend!!!! Sharon, You're standing in the WRONG LINE !!!!
Be a Coug Sharon and we'll have T shirts on sale here next week.
Name: Teena Rael () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 23:24:57
E-Mail: teenanmike@yahoo.com
Maiden: Joyce
Class: 93
Message: Just dropping a line to say Hi all my fellow cougars. Michelle (auti) Huelar I saw your name on the alumni list and wanted to get back in touch with you. Please email me at teenanmike@yahoo.com
See you all at Homecoming!
Name: Steve Fraser () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 23:15:39
E-Mail: scFraser@webtv.net
Class: 1966
To "Prince Sloey"...if these PINKS are so damn good, why don't you and Butch bring about a hundred of them to the game tommorrow!! (107 if Hood is eating!) By the way, does anybody out there ever see the babes from '68..Jan Michelson, Janice Jamison, Cheryl Puetz and Nancy Gonzalez?
Name: Jorge Llaves () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 22:52:11
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Class: 80
Message: Oh yes I am still here but by the time I read all your messages it is past an old mans bedtime so no reply. Went to the doc this A.M. for bronchtis and she said stay out of the night air. However with all you alums there I expect the atmosphere will be full of hot air so I should be OK. The real problem is my voice is gone and that is a disaster for a school adminisrator. But Konnie taught me sign language (not all appropriate) but I may try it on you. Plan to wear my very special tie.
Buenos Nachos--JORGE
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 21:50:55
E-Mail: poppy@iocc.com
Class: 63
Message: I'm telling you, Baker and Sloey...you be a playing with fire for all those titbits...I mean tidbits, about the Rowdy herself! You two have been drooping...excuse me, dropping innuendos left and right and not once have you mentioned how you really feel about the situation. Poor girl...lying there in recovery needing the "support" from those two...sorry, you two guys to be there in her time of need. And what does she get for her misery...another set of "boobs" in the making...you two should feel proud...or is that "standing proud"...whichever. Get well quick, Chicken Boobies, some of us respect you and "don't play that game"! Enjoy the weekend of events...wish I could be with you. Janny Wanny
Hey Janny Wanny, I just thought we'd go for the JUGular while Judy was not so in the Pink. If you get my Point. All I want to know is, Can these new improved models stand up and "salute the flag" like the one's I remember at HHS. Time will tell. Judy's getting more flak that old Frozen Fanny, back a hundred pages. Thanks Jan.......
Name: BOBALOU () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 21:46:37
Message: HAWTHORNE INTERMEDIATE 1956 YUKON INTERMEDIATE 1957 I WAS COOL - I REMEMBER DANCING AT THE GUNGA DIN . PEGGED SKIRTS & stacked hair cashmere sweaters . going steady with a cross on a chain around my neck. cashmere socks matched your sweater. lowered cars DRIVE IN THEATRE-MAKING OUT!
Bobalou, You sound like one cool chick right now!!! Yeah, you haven't lost a step. Hey, Shake it but don't break it!!! And thanks for checkin' in............
Name: Terri Perkins () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 19:17:57
E-Mail: terri_perkins@yahoo.com
Maiden: Still Perkins
Class: 92
Message: Diana D'Alessandro,
How are you and the rest of the family? Does Andi and email, I would love to write her. Hope all is well.
Love Terri
Name: PAM BETRAUN () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 17:55:38
E-Mail: pbetraun@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Its been so long I forgot.
Class: 78
Message: Jim and John you guys rack me I mean crack me up.
Hey I will be a little late getting to the picnic, my oldest daughter has a roller hockey game. Hopefully everyone will still be picnicing at 2:30. Save some cake for me. (Like I need it)
Yes Pammy, We'll save you some cake and remember folks, the password for this weekend is HEADLIGHTS!!!!
Name: MoMo () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 17:13:07
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
Sounds to me like they cut too much off. Someone get that doctor on the phone STAT!!!!
Name: goldie () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 16:53:56
E-Mail: carissia58@hotmail.com
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: john....wanted to send judy a get well boobily card, but i need an address. i know i could go to the right page, but your so much better at that than i am. so if you please....address please? ")
Christine, Her email address is: REDONDO612@aol.com so email away and thanks.
Name: LGW () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 16:44:47
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: Hope everyone isn't avoiding the picnic Saturday because we're attending :-).
Well barring flood, famine, and locusts, we'll be there, although Dave will be a little late. Or perhaps I shouldn't say we will be there, this may frighten away folk who would have otherwise attended. Hey, we'll bring frisbees if you'll promise to come anyway :-).
Thanks to Susan, Kathy, John and everyone else for being such great organizers and arranging this get-together to coincide with our yearly visit to LA. Your timing is impeccable.
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 16:01:08
E-Mail: stoney@qnet
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: UPDATE - For all the band people out there, I just received word that Mr. DeLaO WILL be attending the game and the party at S&S this weekend!!! He heard that Mr. Key was asking about him so Jorge, if your out there please let us know if you'll be at the game and/or party!!! For anyone else he's going to be meeting up with Amanda Schuvie in front of the band room at 7PM. This should be a lot of fun. JORGE... We hope to see you there.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 15:56:38
E-Mail: imaybefromnebraskabutiain'tnohillbiily.com
Maiden: BEULAH
Message: I have a confession to all you LEEROY fans. Some of you I have confided in that I am Leeroy Felderruster, and those of you I have not I know John has. One problem, I must confess, I AM NOT LEEROY! AND I DO NOT KNOW WHO HE IS
OR SHE IS FOR THAT MATTER. The day he hit the Cougartown, I got an email from leeroyfe@yahoo.com asking for my help. He or she wanted ok it, wanted some diversionary help so would I drop a line to a few people that I was
LEEROY. The next day or so John sent LEEROY a note wanting some help with Dorsey high school web site so it sent me a copy of the note and said I should respond to John so we could reel him in, sorry John, So to make it really look like him he gave me the password from his yahoo account and I sent a Leeroy message that was not a LEEROY message saying that I would help. John responded it is you or something like that and i sent another to the affect that yes it was me. on occasion Leeroy has received notes from
some of you some he has responded to and some I have but not using the LEEROY language, (is it really Joe Mailander? before you say no Joe, look at your first entry). Well I have not heard from Leeroy in a few weeks and have emailed him daily soooo my point is whoever you are if you are still
out there now is the time to unmask yourself and tell us who you are. I have tried to get into the email address again but apparently he has changed its password. Perhaps it is a Valencia? Who knows. Sorry John. And Judy Degrazia I am glad you can keep a secret cause it ain't me AND GET WELL TOO AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
What a BOOB I've been.........
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 15:40:56
E-Mail: iamsodisappointedican'tremeberthecheers.com
Maiden: where have all the valencias gone?
Class: who cares
Message: The Valencias are packing it in? I can't believe it! Who is going to lead the cheers? Rowdy Judy opts for some incidental surgery, Gloria and Patti go to a wedding of an unnamed baseball player or is he unnamed as we speak, probably Jose Uribe the last player to be named later in a trade, another story, so what are we to do John? Sounds like another night at Pinks! First in ten, second in twenty, third in thirty go team! Robin? Are you really down here or what? And lastly John I am udderly embarrassed about how you made such a boob out of yourself about Judy's surgery. Some things we should not make light of, but rather stay abreast of the latest developments that may bust upon the current events scene rather than fondle your lustful desires with innuendos. It has rather put a damper on our friendship and I was beginning to consider us bossom buddies John. Row row row your canoe....
Did you just denounce me as your friend?? Was that "Double D Diatribe" meant for ME?? I am flattened by your flat, chesty, comments. I really expected more of a voluptuousness in your tone, but guess I'll have to live with those pointed, heaving, words that I expected to be more perky. Oh well, I'll still have the mammaries of our titillating friendship.
The jugs of our friendship will, however, be lost forever; much like a Judy Degrazia training bra.
Be a Coug Jim..........
Name: Cynthia Alvarado () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 14:38:13
E-Mail: cindym410
Class: 96
Message: Hello Cougars whats up 96 in the houseeeeeeeeeee
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 14:02:54
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: Just as soon as I can find the "words" to wish Judy a speedy recovery, I'll post them, however, it would seem JB, that you really knocked yourself out with the puns. They are very funny. Any word on how Bill Cusac is doing? He's now a full fledged member of the zipper club. For the frosting... try just a plain covering of melted dark chocolate. I did hear from R. Lord... He says he's doing better. each day. Maria and I will not be joining in this weekend. I'm just not able to make the trip at this time. We will be looking for the pictures just as soon as they are posted at CT. John... we will be ordering T-Shirts just as soon as you have them available at CT. Please everyone enjoy your time at all of the Home Coming functions.
Thanks Frank, I know you'd be here if possible and I do know you're here in Cougar Spirit, along with others who can't make the trek. Yes, we need an update on Bill Cusac too. Anyone know how Bill's doing? Glad you're on the mend Royal. Please check in when you can. Thanks Frank...........
Name: Cynthia Alvarado () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 12:19:48
E-Mail: cindym410@yahoo.com
Message: Hi I graduated HHS in 1996.
Hi Cynthia, Welcome aboard, and be sure to add yourself to the alumni list so your friends can find you.
Name: Marsha Russell () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 09:55:01
E-Mail: RussellMG1@AOL.COM
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
Message: Update on the Queen of Rowdy, Judy. We went to see her last night and she was doing great! She said she thinks she might stay awhile in the hospital....she really liked the service she was getting. She might be a little smaller but nothing else has changed, we had some great laughs during our short visit. Judy is coming home today and will be well taken care of. Marsha
Quote from Judy as of five minutes ago..........
Status on surgery......"I had pancakes for breakfast, with little blueberries"....
Not unlike something else she has now..........That's great, I know all of you are just "Busting" to send her an electronic greeting card, so please go
here or
here and pick out something really "Bubbly" to send her. She will be "Udderly" shocked when she gets back to work and finds the get well greetings. Thanks Marsha for the update......
Name: Patty Valencia () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 02:22:58
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Lots of feedback has been added since last I checked in! Sounds like a lot of reunions are taking place - especially with the So Calif appearance of the famed Robin Hood. My kids and I will not be in town for the Homecoming blast - and all of us are disappointed. But, for all of you who are lucky enough to go, take pictures, laugh, cheer and remember to get the fabulous stories into CT for the rest of us to read!
We'll miss the Valencias, as I have now heard from them all, and none of them will be there. I'm sure you'd all be there if you could, so have fun and we'll take pictures. Patty, I'll get you an autographed 8X10 glossy of Robin Hood. What do you want it to say?
Name: Kristi Pealo () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 02:06:13
E-Mail: kpealo@hotmail.com
Maiden: Perkins
Class: 89
Message: John, I just finished my trial run at the Heavenly Chocolate Cake. So far sooooo goood. One question about the frosting, was it a buttercream or whipcream? or does it matter? I made both from scratch. No store bought frosting here. I hope you and the Judges like it too!!
Kristi, What do I know from frosting. It wasn't whipped cream, so it must be the other stuff. I'm sure it will be plenty good. Can't wait to taste it.
Name: having golden dreams () on Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 01:26:01
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: john...i could call him Leeroy. As long as food is involved he'll come,... especially if there is meat.
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