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Back to the standards. Sarah Vaughan
Name: CHERYL () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 22:47:27
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Class: 62
Message: Hey John, Sorry about the Margarita Friday! It never happened. The kids days off changed, which mixed me up completely, AND I never found the right stuff. Soooo, next visit, I will bring a bucket of the stuff with me from Oregon, and we have a date. Thanks again for the great afternoon eating "OUR SALAD", and the trip down memory lane at HHS. (I still say it IS smaller). Now I will spend most of tomorrow reading a weeks worth of feedback, to catch up. Love You, Me.......
Well, it's a little late to tell me our date was off for LAST FRIDAY!!! Talk about getting stood up. MAN!! Just like in high school......that fear of rejection came rushing back to me.
That's OK Cheryl, I was going to tell you I couldn't make it anyway. Glad we got to go to El Torito for lunch and to HHS and that antique store in Westchester. I'll see you and John next trip. Be a Coug Cheryl......
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 22:33:36
E-Mail: stoney@qnet
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Haven't completely caught up with all the messages from this weekend but I need to respond to "Blondie" I beg to differ but you WERE in Auxiliary for at least one year. I very definitely remember you in one of those skimpy little uniforms!! (Check out pg. 28 & 29 of the '74 yearbook)
Speaking of HHS Band. I talked to John Biller Friday night. Stockdale High was playing against the Tehachapi Warriors (we beat 'em 41 to 6)!! He hasn't changed a bit!! Hi John!! if your checking in. It was great seeing you after all these years. We'll miss you at homecoming.
To the King, one more time, thanks for providing the forum for 'Cougs to get reacquainted :)
Well there it is "Blondie". What do you have to say now??
Kathy, You and Steve living in Tehachapi and all, I thought maybe you might know my cousin and his family. Bob and Nancy Baker or their kids, Katie, Becky, and Robbie. Never know, cuz it's a small world out there.
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 20:41:32
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: Jim... Here's the way I figure my age now! Chronologically I'm 56. My thumper is now 27. 27+56=83 divide by 2 = 41.5 . Now if I can only sell that to the DMV for the drivers license. Drop about 60 pounds and win a free face replacement... I could be in real demand. Thanks for asking.... Now don't get no cute thing going!!!!
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 19:46:41
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Message: Just a while ago, JB.... I was looking at page one of feedback, and I figure it was about October of 97'. So the first 100 pages took 22 months, and now we have over 50 pages in just over 2 months.... No landmark...conversation John, I was just thinking about the growth. And just how truly Grand Cougartown is. So many folks, smiles and wonderful stories being shared. Thanks for all of it, John....you have given every Cougar and teacher a platform of memories.
Frank, That's probably the correct time frame. I don't remember when the Feedback page went up, but the growth has been awesome. The thanks however, go out to every Cougar and Faculty member that has contributed their personal memories, which have in turn sparked other memories. I think, as merely "the keeper of the keys", I've only given every Cougar and Teacher a platform FOR memories. Thank you all for your participation and Cougar spirit throughout the last two and a half years. Keep the memories comin' Cougs.
Name: BILL ASHDOWN () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 19:44:49
E-Mail: BA808953@AOL.COM
Class: 1963
Bill, I haven't sent your moms seat in yet because you sent me ONE check for TWO different seats and the Class of 63 seat isn't closed out yet. I will fix it though and it will be turned in on Tuesday. Thanks Bill
Name: Roy Mears () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 19:26:19
E-Mail: rmears7963@aol.com
Class: 1962
Message: The thirty year reunion pics where a blast, thanks John for a great job!
Roy Mears class of '62
Geez Roy, Here's hoping maybe you can make the next one in naught two. WOW, that sounds a long way from 62 huh. Be a Coug Roy.......
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 19:05:30
E-Mail: theysayitsmybirthday.com
Class: 66
Message: Thank you all for the wishes on my birthday; much appreciated. Patty thanks for starting the week with that old thing and Frank thanks for confirming I should be the only one to have gotten it. Marsha thanks for the birthday wish and it is difficult to keep secrets when there is always an audience but its ok, John thank you too and Angel Karen thanks for putting it on the Feedback and thanks for the birthday card. And thank you Judy for making me feel at least a day younger. And thank you Loretta for the wishes and anyone else I missed thank you, I am 51 years old Loretta. Frank how old are you? I just want to know how many years older than you, I am? 12 days cougars see you at the GAME!
Mere laps about the Sun, Jim. I always pray that this isn't my white flag lap.Be a Coug boy.
Name: Roy Mears () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 18:41:49
E-Mail: rmears7963@aol.com
Class: 1962
Message: 19 cent Hamburgers in Culver City (for the drive in)
Hey Roy, How're you doin?? Good to hear from a 62er out there and glad you found us. Please check in often, as there's lots going on here.
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 18:41:34
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: Hi, Ken Blomsterberg, I hear you wanted to hear from some of the old gang. I hope I qualify! Its been a long time and it was great to hear from you. Where is Cameron Park in relation to Fair Oaks. We are familiar with the Fair Oaks area because my wife's brother lives there. I've sent feedback and e-mail messages to Howard Duran. Its been nice being able to reacquaint with "ole" friends. We live in Cerritos, Calif. Talk to you later!
Jim Sloey: Happy Birthday! I didn't know it was your birthday. Hope you had a good BDAY!
Howard Duran: Did you get my last e-mail? Haven't heard from you in a while.
Royal, Did you ever make contact with Carol Wickwire Leiby?
Name: Larry Ford () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 18:03:59
E-Mail: lamafo@ctaz.com
Class: 80
Message: Hi there all, I am trying to get in contact with as many people that I went to school with as I can. If you remember me please e-me, I look forward to hearing from you
Name: ted () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 17:42:27
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: I just dropped a letter in the mailbox with the final $20 needed for Ray Garza's seat. Thanks again to Patty, Sharon and Don for their contributions!
Thanks ted, I hope we're going to see you down here for Homecoming weekend.
Name: Tom Greenup () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 14:22:50
E-Mail: greenut@pacbell.net
Class: Cardinal 63
Message: I actually went to Lawndale High. I'm am trying to locate an old Surf buddie Mike Lepper. Does any one Know how to get hold of him?
Name: the golden haired one () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 12:48:08
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: Had to catch up on pages 148-152, so these responses might be a little late. ")
KATHY... You know I was 'never' really technically 'IN', 'THE BAND', so to speak...I was just the pretty one (or is that 'the pretty goofy one), they liked to have hang around.... because, as I was breezing through one of my '3' year books, I discovered I actually got an award from the band members or maybe it was just from the auxillary or maybe it was just from YOU...it states... THIS AWARD GOES TO CHRIS PENNY FOR HAVING COMMITTED THE MOST OOPS! CONGRATULATIONS FROM YOUR FRIENDS, THE HAWTHORNE HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLANDER AUXILARY CORP., 1973-74. And as I am reading this, imagine my surprise to recognize the hand written scroll, I do believe it belongs to YOU! ")
MARIA RICCI....Yes you got it right, there is a Hawthorne Chat, but sometimes no one is there. "( just keep checking in. Also, someone named "catnip, or catnipdreams or silly kitty ( I think)', changes the 'group' name of the chat. So if you go into HC, and no one is there go back a screen, or look above where you click to enter HC, and see if the group name is changed and click on it, ie: coug chat,etc. I hope this helps. see you there. ")
JOHN....I should have checked in earlier....when the first pic of Gloria at age 9 was posted, my first thought was...it has got to be Gloria. But alas, because it had been awhile since I had checked in Sharon beat me to the punch. Good show Sharon
Hi Christine, Thanks for checking in and
OOPS........it was Sue, not Sharon who guessed the V6 pix. Be a Coug girl.....
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 12:36:15
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: Kostiszak
Class: 83
Message: Hey, Bobby Stinson and Shannon Keys, I remember you two from HHS. I am in Portland Oregon these days and love it. I remember Cindy Bell also Bobby, and your sister, Christa Stinson. Tell them both hello for me, it was cool to see you on the feedback pages. Hope everything is going great for you all.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 01:30:00
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Oh, Jim-----HAPPY BIRTHDAY-----hope it was a good one and how old are you now or do you dare tell us "few years older ones", for the fear we will get a little depressed!!! No, not really!! Again, hope it was a HAPPY one.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 01:24:36
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: I thought I would let those who remember Ms. Suzie Bell 4th Grade Teacher at Peter Burnett (Cabrillo prior) know that she will be at the Stick N Stein. She is unable to attend the game because of a school function that same night, but will be able to make the party. She is looking forward to seeing some of her former students.
Kristi, Darla said to let you know that Miriam Penna with her fiance Ken, Cousin Alice, and Brother Steve, all will be there too!
Name: Patt () on Sunday, October 3, 1999 at 00:18:15
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: I do not know what all the stink over S.O.S is,
I love it! Guess I am just WEIRD!! I used to order it for breakfast when in Jackpot, Nev. I was really bummed when they took it off the menu. Guess if I have to be allergic to eggs, SOS is the next best choice!
Name: Susan () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 22:19:11
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: I hope you invited Ms. Dicus and the Freedom Club to the party at Stick & Stein after the game, John! Also, where are all of the faculty alumni? They haven't sent in their homecoming forms yet either. Sharon B... aren't you the fast one! BUT I want everyone to know that you have NO EXCUSE not to be there! My daughter has offered to hang out with your son at my house after the game just so you can 'party like it's 1976!' at Stick & Stein. So, I will confirm your tentative homecoming form for you :)
Mailander... you MUST be at the Homecoming Picnic... without fail! You are after all, a guest of honor
Are you sweatin' yet?
Name: Susan () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 20:58:30
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Class: 77
Message: Here are the updated counts for our Cougartown Alumni Homecoming Weekend
Friday Game & Stick & Stein 220 Cougars
Saturday Picnic 247 Cougars with families
I'm still waiting for a final count from the classes of '88 and '89. T's, V's, B's (not you Sue!), and Hahlbecks.... where are your Homecoming Forms?! If you are planning to attend on either Friday or Saturday, PLEASE let me know.
Don't miss it folks. This is going to be the BIGGEST ONE YET!!! Fill out the Homecoming form above and let us know your plans. I got a call from Julianne Dicus who heads up the Freedom Club (retired teachers club) and she wants to know if their members can sit with us. This is going to be a fun night, so please RSVP, so we can make room for you too. Thanks all........
Name: Patty Valencia () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 20:53:41
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Thanks Frank R. for the validation on the old email to Sloey. Happy Birthday Jim (again)! Old Gloria, she just can't look at a self-pix without mentioning the broken nose. The first one, ok I did it (I was only 5). But the second one, that's her fault. Geez. Let it go, Glo. Just learn how to say "fohgettaboutit". Geez. Get some plastic surgery below the neck and no one will notice the nose. Geez.
Yeah Glo, that bent up schnoz is barely noticeable in the dark, and besides with those size 13 feet of yours, no one's staring at your face.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 19:49:20
Maiden: timeforyourpaddlin'Sloey
Class: 64
Message: SLOEY, SLOEY, SLOEY.. How could I ever let the day go by without wishing you the very best on your birthday..and reminding you that I really do have braziers older than you--you little whipper snapper.. Happy Birthday!!!We love you Sloey..
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS
Name: Bryce Barboza () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 19:42:01
E-Mail: bryce2susi@earthlink.net
Maiden: Jones
Class: 65
Message: Hi everybody, cool web site! Take care, Bryce
Name: Marsha Russell () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 19:10:59
E-Mail: RussellMG1@AOL.COM
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
Happy birthday Sloey!!!!! I didn't think we were suppose to say anything.....but then again, it's hard to keep secrets. Hope you had a great Bday.
Marsha...The Rowdys
Name: Kathy Michael () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 16:23:23
E-Mail: marinadr@earthlink.net
Maiden: Groseclose
Class: 1976
When: NEW YEARS EVE! Dec. 31,1999 10 p.m.
Where: Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center
1935 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Redondo Beach
Ticket on sale Oct.15th
Reserved seats are $150 - $175
Ticketmaster 213-480-3232 or
Sandblast Concerts 310-406-8838
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 14:48:17
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Maiden: "OLD EZ"
Class: 1961
Message: YO! Dailybreeze.... Blow. The teams earn the support of the student body by working hard each week preparing for the games. However, they still need the support of the Alumni and the student body. The coaching staff too can use a lift from time to time. But win, lose, or draw, those kids will play their hearts out. And remember what Thumper's daddy said! "If you can't say somethin' nice. Don't say nothin' at all?" Sloey.... Happy Birthday... Looks like Patty V correctly addressed that e-mail message. Many happy returns... Peace & Happiness
Yeah Sloey, what Frank said.........and Happy Birthday too, ya' big lug ya'.
Name: gloria herlosky () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 14:41:45
E-Mail: BigMouth.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
Message: Thanks for posting that picture, King! You're a brat with a capital B! I think most of the peeps in CT would be embarrassed by a picture of themselves at age nine...but not me...I fondly look at that pix and realize at the time, V5 had only broken my nose one time. Ah, the good ol days.
I see nothing embarrassing about the innocence of youth. Thank you V6 for the opportunity to showcase that innocence. I'm proud to say that you're one of my favorite people. A person that I would've never known, had it not been for Cougartown. Always stay as unaffected as you are now and keep that BIG mouth open when you smile.....It becomes you.
Name: Elda M. Pilj () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 12:37:44
E-Mail: empilj@pacbell.net
Message: I have just sent an e-mail regarding the "adopt a seat in Nyman Hall". Keep up the great work and most interesting information regarding Hawthorne High School and all the Cougars past and present.
Thanks Elda, You can send your check, and who you want on the plaque to:
John Baker
PO Box 1406
Lomita, CA 90717
Please make the check out to HHS Parents Committee and thanks again.
Name: ted () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 12:09:18
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: More Ray Garza memories . . . I still laugh about the time Tom Deuel was day-dreaming in Latin class, and was startled when Mr. Garza began talking about the problems with "tamen" -- which is a Latin adverb. Tom thought that he was being called on and almost jumped from his seat. . . . And, I fondly remember the time that we were studying harpies -- those smelly, nasty half-vultures of mythology -- and Uncle Ray (as we called him) decided we should have a HARPY PARTY in class. I recall putting up signs, some days in advance, which read "Harpiae Adsunt" -- which is Latin, I believe, for "The Harpies are Coming!" . . . Then there was the time our all-too-strict school librarian (a women of large stature, who we cruelly nicknamed "Moby Book") sent Mr. Garza a note complaining that he was giving out too many library passes to his students. Mr. Garza had stepped out of the classroom for a minute. The aforementioned Tom Deuel took the note from the messenger, promising to pass it on to the teacher. But after he read it, Tom decided to throw it away. We still received frequent library passes -- although we frequently got the "evil eye" from Moby Book . . .. Come on cougars, let's get the final pledges for this memorable teacher.
Yes, please send your pledges in, this weekend for all seats above. It's getting real late.
Send to:
John Baker
PO Box 1406
Lomita,CA 90717
Name: Ed Chesson () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 11:05:55
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: To Jan Blomsterberg regarding military food: You are right about the sock going in the food and anything else they might find!! I was in the Army ('67 through '69) and Army food apparently didn't differ much from Marine food. With all that "mass-production cooking" you could never tell what might accidently (or on purpose) fall into the pots! And, I never saw an Army cook that wasn't mad at the world!! They were never in a good mood. If any of you have ever served on "KP" duty, you know what I mean; all they did is yell at the KP help all day long! But, I must admit, I'd be mad too if I had to work a job from sunup to sundown and do nothing but cook for a few hundred GI's! They no sooner finished a meal than they had to start the next one.
Seriously though, I know that Jan and I look back on our military experience in a positive way. We wouldn't want to have to do it again, but when all was said and done, I think our lives are better for it.
Name: Susan King () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 09:12:22
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: John: About the mystery picture - My Dad started calling her "Bodacious" when we were in high school and that she was. It's our own little Glo Baby AKA V6. I dare ANYONE to locate a picture of her NOT with her mouth open, laughing or smiling. And she's STILL as cute as she was back then!!!
YES!!! It's V6 and I know what you mean about smiling with her mouth open. She's trapped many a small bird in that giant smile between her ears. Thanks Sue.........
Name: Karen () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 02:07:26
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: P.J. I know I said I would not tell it was your Birthday, but now that it is here I have changed my mind.
So here is wishing you a Very Happy Birthday...:o)
Hi King Darlin
Angel K darlin', Let's see PJ. I think you must be referring to..........Prince Jim.
Happy Birthday Prince Jim,
Happy Birthday Prince Jim,
Happy Birthday Jim Sloey,
Happy Birthday to you.
(sing to the tune of "Happy Birthday to you")
Have a great day Jim boy.......
Name: Janet Burkett () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 01:03:02
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: There otta be a law against posting pictures like that one of the SOS. That could turn people off of organized breakfasts forever!
Janet, Actually they do have great food there. Ham, sausage, bacon, eggs, pancakes, potatoes, and juices and coffee for 4 bucks. Please don't think the SOS is the only thing they serve.
Name: dailybreeze () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 00:28:47
E-Mail: letsjustgopartyatstickandsteinforget thegamecuzinglewoodisbad2.com
Message: read it and weep
Culver City 35, Hawthorne 19
Thank you Jim for the uplifting and positive account of Friday nights game. We do appreciate you jumping in and telling us how badly the Cougs have fared every week. If you don't want to go to the game, then that's fine. You go party at the SNS and we'll meet you there later. We're going to cheer the mighty Cougs onto victory.
Name: beth () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 00:09:04
E-Mail: eadses@cs.com
Maiden: williams
Class: 71
Message: hey.
please put "HHS" on any e-mail subject title so i don't trash it!
Name: John Baker () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 00:09:41
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:I think we had a debate going as to how the REAL words to the Alma Mater went. This is from Jerry Miles HHS66 and these are right out of the Student handbook. Thanks Jerry
Name: Ken Blomsterberg () on Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 00:06:02
E-Mail: kblomsterberg@marcusmillichap.com
Class: 61
Message: Living in Cameron Park, California (Sacramento area). Looking to hear from any of the old gang.
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