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......Early Cartoon Show..... Sheriff John
Sheriff John again
Happy Birthday to you
We think you're the best
Our present to you
We loved our old life
We're all coming home
May your health never fail
We now have a place
Happy birthday to you
So we 'll stay to the end
Now that you are 55 years old, that 70 year limit you imposed is going to
come home to roost. Fifteen years and you are outta here!!
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 19:35:44
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: Living in Hawaii I traveled and stayed in West Hills when I came to California and trained at the Powerhouse Gym in Chatsworth quite often. My main partner was a bodybuilder and powerlifter and our other partner was the nicest older man who was so funny. He was in great shape but you could tell he was a little weathered. He told us some of the best stories I can remember. Got to be very good friends with him...his name was John Tolos. Never forget when he threw the powder in Freddie Blassie's eyes. Evrybody hated him then but everybody loves him now.
1. Remember how big Ernie Ladd was. Midget wrestling was neat too.
2. My mom worked at UCB (bank) the Vice President of UCB at the time was Tony Tague. She was the big female star on the LA Thunderbirds.
3. Me and Donald Dye venturing out at our cabin on a cold winter night and getting lost.
4. At 15 being hit (by Marty Warner) at 40 mph in front of the Kellers house on 135 st (across from Dana) from the side while coming out of the driveway on my motocycle with nothing on but shorts. Went through the windshield then popped out and landed on the street. Was unconsious for a couple of days and woked up with a real bad headache and broken leg. Set some record for number of visitors in my room.
5. Going to sixth grade camp in Malibu getting bit on the finger by an aligator lizard and slamming my hand in the door to kill the lizard. Almost broke my whole hand.
6. Going to Thriftymart next to HHS with Ernie Castro after baseball practice and taking a bag of Gauchos cookies to eat on the way home.
7. Mr. Stucker's Porsche always getting stolen?
8. Sharing lockers with Rita Kobold and Debbie Cleghorn.
9. Zemi's in the boys locker room
10. The greatest Chili in the world at the little league field in Holy Glen
Name: BOB VEACH () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 19:25:25
Class: 1972
Message: Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water.... Geez, I go away for a couple of weeks and return to find you older guys from the 60's still crowing about that Hawthorne/Poly game. Now there are two games to hash over. Well, I was willing to let it drop, BUT NOT NOW. The gloves are coming off and the cap is going on. See ya at the homecoming game all dressed in scarlet and gold and jackrabbit green.
Hey Bob, I figured that Jack Rabbit crack would have gotten you on the Feedback Page LONG before this. Yes, NOW my favorite game of all TIME is the 1966 COUGAR/poly game. 20-0 and I bet you knew about it all the time and never said a word.And to think that team was led by Dave Chauncey who exacted the sweet revenge for 59 loss. "It Just Don't Get No Better Than That". So wear whatever you want to the big Homecoming game Bob, but remember......there'll be a few of us Elmer Fudds sittin' behind you in the stands too, so watch your back side.
Thanks Bob.......
Name: Beverly Bierman () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 19:45:28
E-Mail: gonore@aol.com
AKA: Mom "B"
Class: First
Message:Sung to the tune of ...Oh, you all know....
Happy Birthday to you,
We love you dear John
We do, we do.
To let us come play,
We will not desert you
On your special day.
Is our joy in your site,
We can't stay away
Try hard as we might.
In Hawthorne we grew,
Now you've brought it all back
Thank you, thank you.
We'll gather the pack,
Not just this one time
But we'll often be back.
Stay healthy and well,
We need you, our leader
As our numbers do swell.
Where we can come home,
Any hour of the day
No matter where we may roam.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, Dear John
Keep shine..ing through.
We're sure of this much,
Dear John, one request
Take us ALL to lunch....
I don't know where you people are coming up with this 55 stuff. After all, I was very VERY bright in school. Thank you Beverly. I think you are Cougartown's new "Royal Poet Lariat" (that's the cowgirl version of the other one). You can bet that if you all show up for my Birthday at the.....well no need in going over the directions again as you all know where, that I WILL buy your lunch. Thanks Mom "B", you ARE a keeper.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 18:57:45
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
Message: HOWDY!
Wel nows we gits a cupl daz of sonshin ans dat Ted guys womps me up sid da hed. Boy I wuz a couger fo yer pappy cood stans up ans go to da stor. whys ya pikin on mes fer? frade of robin huh? i meaner robin boy ya all donut wanna mess wit me. jest donut calls me dubous! wateber dat meens
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 18:07:44
E-Mail: sheriffjohnwasreallycoachbunyard.com
Maiden: hoodsrevreryone
Class: mcmlxvi
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 17:56:51
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: ROWDY
Class: 64
Message: This one is for young Ingrid Larson.. in answer to your question as to where us 50's and 60's gals found the time to do all the "stuff" and be on time for anything else.. why do you think they call us the ROWDY GIRLS!! and we did it for the ROWDY BOYS.. BTW AND FYI Until the boys entered the pic..we also danced with each other(another girl) to Lloyd Thaxton Hop & American Bandstand.. By the time the boys entered the pic...we were ready for them. We were cute...perky..and could dance up a storm. Thanks for asking Ingrid. We just found the energy.. Right girls?? Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDY GIRLS.
Anyone that starches their bra is perky........
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 17:14:54
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Class: 74
Message: OK - I realize I'm a few years behind those Rowdy Ones, but they got me wondering about something. Just where did the typical teenage girl get the time to 1) iron & starch her collar, 2) iron & starch her bra, 3) starch and hang out her crinoline (or whatever they call it), 4) unwrap, scour, re-wrap and coat with nail polish your boyfriend's class ring, 5) apply rubber-based eye liner, 6) polish saddle shoes, 7) shave eyebrows to the perfect arch, 8) do the hair in (your choice) the perfect bee-hive, pony-tail, upsweep, french twist, or what-have-you, and still have time to actually get out the door in time for (your choice) school, date, hangin' at Foster's, or what-have-you.
Geeze, I'm glad I grew up in the casual 60's and 70's when the simple straight hair, parted down the middle with bangs look was cool. Clothes were usually more popular when left un-ironed (ah, the joys of perma-press polyester). To this day, I hardly ever wear make-up. And I can't remember the last time I actually polished any shoes (Birkenstocks and tennies don't take too much upkeep.)
Name: sarina () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 17:10:04
E-Mail: SMGolden@juno.com
Message: It's kind of boring and really had nothing to do with hawthorne today!!!! Lugo thinks it sucks and the dress code is B.S. not everyone around hawthorne dresses like a thug. Just cause one person doesnt dress right doesnt mean that the whole student body should dress like their grand parents. Hawthorne High football rules!!
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 16:40:57
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: va klempt
Class: 64
Message: Here's a couple more blasts from the past for those of you that grew up in the 50'-60's: The girls will relate...
1. Peddle pushers. Toreador pants. Capris.
2. Bermuda shorts.
3. Angora cuffs worn over your white socks.
4. Red Dice earrings.
5. Knit sweaters worn backward (buttons in the back)
6. Getting boys autographs on your dad's white shirt. (worn with tight blue jeans rolled up to the knee)
7. Spray starching and ironing your collar so it stood straight up.
8. Spray starching and ironing your bra in a point. (for the same reason as the collar)
9. Plastic see through purses lined with a colored nylon scarf.
10. Ponytails wrapped with a nylon scarf.
11. Double pony tails to make you hair look longer.
12. Removable rhinestone clips for your high heels.
13. Chemise style dresses with ribbons worn across your forehead. ( roaring 20's style)
14. Dickies (don't go there John B.)
There I go..getting va klempt again.
I'm in a time machine here. I think I'll dress the part for homecoming.. Who has some dice earrings??
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS.
Starching and Ironing your bra in a Point!!??
I always thought you looked like "Madonna"in High School Judy.
Name: Terri Perkins () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 16:34:28
E-Mail: terri_perkins@yahoo.com
Class: 92
Message: I am very sad to hear about Mr McCann, he was a great teacher. He made me want to learn about the constitution. May he rest peacefully with God. To Mr. Plotkin, I am actually the person from the family that wrote you, and I meant everyword.
Name: Becky () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 16:17:45
E-Mail: olderthandirt
Maiden: Slaughter
Class: 66
Message: Rowdy JudyD & others who sent listed items: Your lists cracked me up. I'm "oh my god-ing" from my office and people are sticking heads in to see if I'm okay?. Here are some more senior moments:
Lloyd Thaxton Show (Dance Party)
Sam Riddle - I think it had a name before 9th Street West (Dance Party)
dropping clothespins in a milk bottle while kneeling over the back of a chair as a birthday party game
Bozo the clown
Having shows - ala the little rascals - and charging a penny admission
Lemonade stands
The ice cream truck on a summer afternoon (and its tinkle of a song)
The Helm's bakery truck(and "charging" it)
Groves Market at 120th & Inglewood
The candy store next to Groves Market
When Mr. Morgan used to have band practice (in the summer) and march them around the Del Aire neighborhood.
Collecting (huge-tissue paper) pom-pom's from the "song queens" after the football game.
Using those pom-poms when you "joined" Mr. Morgan's parade
When the cheerleaders would change sides during half-time and lead the opposition in a cheer? (and it was safe)
April Hays, Myrtle Reeves, Carol Barry as song queens?
Meridel Johnson as Head Cheerleader
Cup-O-Gold Candy Bars
Look & Big Hunk Candy Bars
RC Cola
Black wax mustache & white wax buck teeth - oooh the taste! went along with the red wax lips
Sugary slices colored like watermelons (and tasted like coconut)
Those awful straws with Strawberry filling- JB I agree - the worst!
I Married Joan with Joan Davis
Susie - with Ann Southern & Don Porter?
What was the show with the guy who was a model photographer & Ann B. Davis was his secretary?
That was "Love that Bob" with Bob Cummings. MAN!!! Great stuff here Becky. Whatever happened to Cup-O-Golds and Cherry-a-lets.
How about "Meet Corliss Archer" and "The Stu Erwin Show"??
Name: EL ROJO AND ID QUEEN () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 15:06:52
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60/61
Message: Gosh John, I don't really know where to begin. Been off site for a few days and a war breaks out. But, you know what? To hell with a war! The only people who want one, are the ones that start one. But as history has proved, they usually lose(er). What a trip back into memory lane for the last couple of hours of reading feedback. The lists of rememberances are classic. I knew that possibly my memory had faded but not quite that much. What a kick in the buns. By the way John, Happy Birthday from us. Jeez, you have really crossed the road this time with this B-DAY. I know you probably don't feel old, but I heard this story and would like to know if it is true, that you were the first one on the "blvd", to have a "big block", "DUAL QUAD", "COVERED WAGON"! Really, somebody just mentioned that to me awhile ago, I don't know. BUT IS IT REALLY TRUE? Why, you must have invented the first burn out! But, really JB, how do you burn dirt? LOVE YA MAN! EL AND ID QUEEN. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU.
Hey Thanks EL and IDQ for the Bday wishes. Yes that WAS my Covered Wagon too, but it wasn't the first one on the Blvd. as I heard you had "The Cherry-est Chariot" around.Be a Coug Russ. Glad you're back..
Name: The Schroeder's @ OS5-4884 () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 13:34:06
Class: 66
Message: Why is it I can remember all this stuff from 30 (plus) years ago -- and forget how to get home sometimes?
How about the unoffical "Grub Day" in 1964. I never got sent home -- as it was hard for administrators to decide if I was unusually grubby or just on the natch. It remains a mystery. I used to dig Ann Southern on the black & white Zenith--- though I don't remember the format of the show --except she was a secretary. The "Gale Storm" show? Oh Suzanna! Comedy relief by Nudgie played by ZaZu Pitts. (great name)
How 'bout when the true test of a man was if he could hit it out at York School. Saw Ron Rebeck break a window on the Crozier (sp?)
Building during an over-the-line tussell there.
Also (da memories of mamories) it was always worth the bicycle ride (I wasn't allowed to cross Prairie) to the (sometimes) open back door of the Sky Store (Prairie & 115th?) to lustfully view the Playboy pinup's. It was by John Aguilar's house.
Lance Bertlesen showed me the way and its been a long road downhill ever since.
Those who attended the Kean/Cusac neighborhood mini reunion: Did Kenny Rigg show up? He owes me $5
Becky Lou -- I scored a personal best 16 of 25, and even took the test a second and third time to no avail. I used to know your OSbourne #, though I had it written down in the phone booth in front of Tom's Store (formerly Ben's Store) corner of 118th and Freeman. (The 'hood) As Bob Hope might say (sponsored by Chrysler) "Tanks for the Memories"
Regards from the garden,
AHHH Yes, Going to the machine shops back in the Quarter Midget days with dad, would not be complete without pondering the popular pinups on the wall of the inspection areas. I still know a local machine shop guy that has never added nor subtracted from that collection since the early 60's. Yes, it will take you back in time. Realistically however, the youngest pinup on his wall is now, easily collecting her Social Security.
Name: Ted Gioia () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 12:45:37
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: LEROY ALSO HAS FOND MEMORIES FROM THE PAST. He just hasn't shared them yet . . . so I will.
1. Some people think of the 1960s and remember Woodstock, but Leroy's fondest memory: September 26, 1962 -- the first episode of Beverly Hillbillies runs on CBS. Ellie May haunts his dreams for at least the next two months.
2. Almost as good: the famous Freddie Blassie / John Tolos late 1960s battle at the Coliseum -- which set a record for the largest paid attendance EVER for a wrestling match. The high point of the event: Tolos taking a huge snake out of a big wooden box and trying to strangle Blassie with it.
3. Leroy fondly recalls the many other TV wrestling matches at the "more intimate" Olympic Auditorium. Leroy still remembers the phone number (RICHMOND 9-5171) from ordering tickets so often. (Those watching at home will remember Leroy as the one constantly shouting out "Bite, Freddie, Bite!")
4. Of course, there was fun to be had in Hawthorne. Leroy especially remembers admiring Mr. Virgil Meeks confederate flag, proudly displayed at Meek's shoe repair shop on Hawthorne Boulevard. Leroy and Mr. Meeks would talk about the "good ol' days."
5. Greatest moment of progress from the 1960s -- no, not the moon landing -- the completion of Highway 5 in 1967. Los Banos will never be the same! Leroy can now save over two hours in transit time when driving his pickup from Tijuana to Weed.
6. Ripple is introduced. Leroy now can cut the cost of a date with Beulah by 50%.
7. The 70s were not so shabby -- wine coolers hit the market, John Denver scores a hit with "Thank God I'm a Country Boy," and a peanut farmer takes control of the White House-- but Leroy is most interested in watching "All in the Family" episodes on TV. It's a pity that he still hasn't figured out it's a comedy.
8. But there were also sad moments. Coca Cola company acquires Mountain Dew, and retires the slogan "YAHOO!! IT'S MOUNTAIN DEW!" Leroy now needs to find a new phrase to use when taunting hippies.
Hey, John, have a great birthday. YOU'RE THE MAN!
No one could beat Freddie Blassie, just ask my Gramma. And Ted, I don't think Mr Meeks owned a Confederate flag, unless it was to start his BBQ.
Now THAT'S some LeeRoyin' folks. Thanks Ted, and I have 2 to add. Earl Scheib will paint any car any color for only 29.95. AND anyone remember Lou's Garage?? Complete Engine Overhaul; "49.50 for most 6's, 69.50 for most 8's". OH.......One More, who sung this classic jingle:
Stanley Stanley Stanley Chevrolet,
2 blocks off the Santa Ana Freeway,
1-1-9-8-0 East Firestone,
Stanley Chevrolet
Name: Robin () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 12:15:09
E-Mail: WhoelsehuntedwithJimThorpe.com
Maiden: Ozzie
Class: 60
Message: Janny Fanny:...Ozzie was a retired band leader on the show as he was in real life...
JB..There must have been some big time rabbit hunting parties in those fields with the Thorpes,Lords,Bakers&Hoods because Pops told us that one too...(and I know a Beach Boy :o)..Someone mentioned Penneys Towncraft. Still wear them on Thursdays when Duck Boxers are out and this morning (post shower) I finally figured out why we still havent totally accepted the metric system..(Check the tag guys)..Who wants a 91 centimeter waistline?? hey John..slide me in there right below Judy in the "Rowdys" seat...(No comments Sloey:o)Checks in the mail and worth every dime...
Last item: Does anyone even remember Gilmore Stadium (by farmers market) downtown..? Denny maybe, but I might have a lock on this one...Oh the Mighty Midgets Roar..later Cougs
Yes, GREAT ONE Robin, Gilmore Stadium where dad and I would go watch the Midgets about 6 times a year. I remember the bright yellow Gilmore Trucks with the red Gilmore Lion on them too, and Gilmore field, where my favorite PCL team, the Hollywood Stars played. I remember when a home team "Star" would hit a home run, they'd ring a big old bell. Gilmore stadium and Gilmore field were razed to make room for the CBS studios. Does anyone remember "Angel Annie"?
Does anyone remember Carroll Speedway?? Not Ascot, or Gardena Stadium.
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 12:09:31
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Class: 74
Message: Now, my turn to add memories:
1) Back before the advent of Zip Codes, we had "Mail Codes". Where we lived in Del Aire, it was Inglewood 2, California.
2) And I remember having a party line on the phone when I was little. Sometimes I could sneak into the kitchen, lift the receiver on the black wall phone, and listen in on the conversation. Never for very long, because Mom would suddenly materialize next to me and I get a scolding.
I had a bunch of others to add, but everybody else beat me to it.
Name: Cheryl () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 11:39:56
Class: 62
Message: 2 more, ohboy, ohboy, ohboy............
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 10:43:47
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: I remember and had Mr. McCann at Dana. Sorry to hear about his passing on. I went hunting with Jim Bolenger (I think that is the name) with my bow and arrow several times. I was very good at targets that didn't move (as well with a wrist-rocket). But I remember one day when we went hunting I was walking looking for rabbit when Jim yelled look out and a rabbit ran from right under my feet. He wanted to shoot but probaly would have hit me but I lifted my bow and let one go and actually hit the rabbit square. I was so proud and acted like it wasn't anything special but inside i knew that was the first time I ever hit a moving target. A few more memories;
1. Collecting golf balls from the small lake at El Segundo Golf Course and selling them to golfers for just 25 cents.
2. Riding our bikes to the industrial area and looking through trash bins for things that we could sell. Found plenty at Holllywood Accessories, a salt and pepper shaker maker.
3. Raced once in the annual go-kart race through the streets of the industrial area of El Segundo. First prize was a Honda 50
4. Going to our cabin in Running Springs and going on back trails with my brother (Les) on our motorcycles.
5. Our vacation to Colorado Springs when the Air Force academy invited us because they wanted my brother to play football there. He got to big to fly a jet so ended up at Humboldt State
6. My dad holding me over Hoover Dam so I could see the bottom...am I lucky he loved me or what!
7. Getting a severe alergic reaction to poison ivy and having to go to Dana covered head to toe with calamine lotion. Went through a six month procedure getting shots to make me immune to all poison plants. Worked great when playing tag.
8. Having the biggest guy at HHS be your older brother
9. Throwing the baseball over the home run fence before the games with my friends Greg Staffon and Kurt Morlock
10. Having kids come up to me and ask me what field I am going to hit a home run over and then seeing them all waiting for me to do it.
11. My DMV driving test (with a full leg cast) and the instructor falling asleep and ending up in Watts.
Just a few more from the ever diminishing memory of KDJ.
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 10:17:44
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
Message: Gosh, I don't know how you all have such good memories. I have forgotten so much being the dumb kid I was and moving away from Hawthorne at the early age of 19 to marry a military man. Maybe the fact that we moved around some, got divorced, then got married again and moved around some more, has some to do with my memory loss. I feel that I've lived away so long I'd get lost, maybe not in Hawthorne itself but anywhere else out there. I would remember how to get to the beach. HA. On one visit my dad was driving me to the airport and missed the turn off and we ended up in downtown Inglewood. I couldn't believe how it changed. It was dirty and there wasn't a white person in sight. I felt like I was in the twilight zone or something. I guess all we have is our memories on how it was. We can never go back. But it must be different for the people that never left. How is it for you?? Do you see the changes or do you change with it?? How about moon pies? What were those funny shoes with springs on them, Moon shoes? Remember what we did at the drive in movies, not watch the movies thats for sure. And PV at the sub races. Thanks to all of you for the memories!!
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 09:50:21
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: How many folks remember visiting Corriganville? The old movie ranch at Simi Valley. Many of the old western TV shows and movies were shot there. Joan of Arc, Robin Hood, parts of the Robe. Bike riding to visit friends in PV. Was that a trip. The monster hill going up and into PV from the old Hawthorne Blvd entrance. That same hill played a great lesson in later years. I really learned first "foot" about mechanical brakes. That downhill run squared away all of my ideas about knowing how to stop a Model "A".
Name: Susan King () on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 09:39:38
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: To Sharon Bierman Branigan:
Happy Birthday Baby Sis - I love you!!
And to John Baker -- after the birthday fairy leaves Sharon's house, he's on his way to yours.....
"Happy Birthday Sharbo"
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