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Name: Steve Hutchins ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 7:18 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1959
City & State: St. George, Utah
Message: Re: Dave Roelen's article. I used to get Okefenokee confused with another area which was known by a similar name: Okie-pinokey (spelling my best guess). It was about a one-by-four block area south of Rosecrans, between Rosecrans and 147th St.(N-S) and between Hindry and Isis (E-W). It was so called because the Okies supposedly lived there. I think it was called Sleepy Hollow later on.
Name: Neil Larson ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 7:03 pm - HHS Time

Class: 1971
City & State: CRESTVIEW, FL
Message: PACO - US Army prefered method of skinning a Dillo' - Adjust Jeep to 4 wheel drive compound low - after the varmint has done popped up off all fours from fright- and slammed into the front grill- causing advanced "stun" or comma- place critter behind passager side rear tire- slowly back up it is advised to place the animal so as it rests with its spine against the tread, this will allow the innerds' to be expelled out of the soft belly - one may place a small slit with a Kabar knife in the underbelly- as the vehicle begins to advance to the rear- the road guard (lower ranking service member should be selected) will notify drive as to the purging of the meat- at this time the driver should immeadiately stop & begin to drive forward- if done on a good hard road a suitable fillet of Dillo will be properly achieved. Cooking instructions may be found on Alton Brown's Good Eats...
Name: Dennis Campbell ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 6:59 pm - HHS Time

Class: 1961
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Hey John, Thanks for sharing the Daily Breeze article written by Dave Roelen, I know living in Del Aire on Stacy Street the kids would be in the fields all the time hunting for frogs, tadpoles, Snakes, you name it. One of Danas finest teacher?s ?ever? had us go on a field trip hunting for whatever we could find, little did he know that we?d bring back a 6? gopher snake and ?O? we had to feed the snake all the rats, mice, frogs and things that we found in the field, it was great. If you think about it we had the best introduction into life science that a kid could ever have. Thanks Mr. Plotkin, you were the best 7th grade teacher of all time in my book and O Happy Birthday.
Name: Camille ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 6:48 pm - HHS Time

Maiden: Hill
Class: 1959
City & State: Manhattan Beach, CA
Message: Great article David. My Mom still remembers you & David Jacobsen running down the middle of 119th St. yelling "Braaa aaa aaa" or something that sounded like Tarzan might emit in the middle of swinging from a tree...arms flying! The innocence of youth in the 50's was very special & will always remain in our hearts.
Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 4:51 pm - HHS Time

Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Great article. Brings back memories of jars of polly wogs and frogs.
Name: Jim Raines ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 4:36 pm - HHS Time

Class: 1962
City & State: Salt Lake City Ut.
Message: Back when Alan Hauge had his paint shop on Imperial Hwy. I remember a nice looking girl coming in with a '63(?) Pontiac that she wanted painted pearl white. This girl looked alot like Sharon Moore's high school photo. I remember her and a blonde girl with their hair high up on their heads cruising Hawthorne and the A&W around 1966. Sharon was that you? If so, tell me who your blonde friend was. I dated the blonde for awhile and can remember everything about her except her name.
Name: Clark Millman ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 2:29 pm - HHS Time

Class: 1976
City & State: Torrance, CA

Message: An unexpected Cougar siting yesterday! Sylvia Berger('72 was in the El Torito in Torrance and ran into my brother Ray('71) and myself. Had never met Sylvia before but she and Ray share mutual friends in the Nicosias (Anna & Enza). Her folks owned the small jewelry store in the front of Boys Market on Hawthorne Blvd. & 118th where Ray & I both worked back in the day with many other fellow Cougars. Her brother Julio, another fellow Cougar was renowned as the Hawthorne version of John Travolta (tremendous disco dancer) long before Saturday Night Fever!
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 1:55 pm - HHS Time

Class: 1961
City & State: Lake Forest
Message: Happy Birthday Harry, bet you guys didn't know that Harry is my real dad!!
Name: LARRY PEAVY ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 1:28 pm - HHS Time
City & State: memphis, TN 38119
Message: Someone replied to my inquiry about George Gojun owning the Hawthorne Bowling alley and bowling back to back 300 games. I would like to find out who witnessed this. If you can help me would appreciate it. Thanks, Larry
Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 1:24 pm - HHS Time

Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Paco, the only Armadillos allowed in your chili are road-kill Armadillos, and they cannot be skinned or any parts removed. They have to be put in whole and stewed long enough to become tender, fall apart, and easy to cut with a fork. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! I never had you as a teacher, as I went to Adams Junior High in Redondo Beach. I, however, have enjoyed talking with you at Cougar outings. Have a GREAT DAY!
Name: Anita ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 11:26 am - HHS Time

Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
City & State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Message: Okay...after all this chili and salsa - Don't forget that tonight (April 30th 5PM to 10PM) is 31 Cent Scoop Night at Baskin-Robbins in honor of America's firefighters. Participating stores will reduce the prices of small ice cream scoops to 31 cents. At some locations, you may also have an opportunity to make a donation to your local fire charities. EVERYONE IS INVITED
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 11:05 am - HHS Time
Class: 1961
City & State: Lake Forest
Message: Gettin' ready for the picnic, how do you skin a Armadillo?
Name: Margie Lopez ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 9:43 am - HHS Time

Maiden: Galindo
Class: 1978
City & State: Hawthorne,Ca
Message: Hola John...In our house the chile(salsa)was hot,hot,hot,just ask Dan Johnson. We put it on everything from eggs to sandwiches to spaghetti. A friend of mine once attributed her weight loss to the absence of chile in her diet, guess food just didn't have the same kick. George Johnson...sounds like you have the inside latin connection to good salsa. And believe it or not the MRE's now have teeny tiny bottles of Tapatio in them. In fact I just sent 9 bottles of Tapatio to my son Marcos who is on his 3rd tour of duty in Iraq. It is such a HOT (pun intended) commodity there and worth it's weight in gold. Also good to see Mr. Macha post...I took your Africa and Aerospace class. I agree w/ Keith...you are one of my favorites too, and loved and admired for your awesome teaching style and infamous one-liners. Your Iddi Amin Dadda stories are legendary and "That's all she wrote" for poor Amelia Earhart. I learned lots and was honored to have flown with the great Mr. Chichester in his Cessna w/ fellow classmates Angie White and Rob Condiote. Wow great school ties...Susan...I think a chili/salsa cook off is a cool idea and you can count me in. Thank you Sharon for your generous prizes. Juan and Paco, can't wait to sample your killer salsa...Margie
Name: Denny ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 9:39 am - HHS Time

Class: 1955
City & State: Del Aire
Message: In this mornings Daily Breeze "My Turn column page A2", Dave Roelen (58) wrote of his memories about the fields, wildlife and things around Wiseburn school that aren't here anymore and how we used to play in the swamps et cetera. It's well worth the read and pretty much the way I remember it. Couldn't find an online link - sorry ya just have to buy/borrow a copy.
Name: Susan (susie) Barton ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 8:30 am - HHS Time

Maiden: Winter
Class: 1979
City & State: Houston,TX
Message: This has nothing to do with chile either. But Liz Perez, oh my gosh it's been along long time. I was talking to my brother Mike(69) the other night about how cool this website is and he mentioned you, and how it would be nice to get in touch with you. Gosh, I have so many memories of you and your whole family:)
Name: Susan King ~~~~~~~~~~
Wed-Apr 30, 2008, 7:47 am - HHS Time

Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City & State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: So Keith, does that mean you're coming and bringing chili?
Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~
Tue-Apr 29, 2008, 10:58 pm - HHS Time

Class: 1976
City & State: Las Vegas
Message: There should be NO rules in regards to how the chili is made or what is in it. Just make the best you got and get it there. If you start making a bunch of rules up then you are going to have a never ending rule making and someone will say something about a rule being broken. Just make your chili or salsa and enter them simple as that.
Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Apr 29, 2008, 8:24 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Only the following rules: 1)You cannot judge your or a family member's chili, 2) You must be there when the contest starts. Late comers will not be judged. 3) There must be at least two contestants in each salsa/chili and chili category to make it a contest. You can make your chili any way you want. Just and keep it cold or warm depending on your category. BRING IT ON!!!
Name: Sharon Leach ~~~~~~~~~~
Tue-Apr 29, 2008, 7:00pm - HHS Time

Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City & State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Sue, I was just thinking the same thing. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2008 THE COUGARTOWN PICNIC, TORRANCE PARK in Torrance. Bring on the Chili/Salsa, I will volunteer myself as a taster. We could use some other taster volunteers. Maybe three or four more. Remember though, those who are judging cannot be in the contest, nor can a family member. The winner of the chili contest and the winner of the salsa contest will each win a $25.00 gift card to Chili's Restaurant. I will donate the prize.
Name: Armand Vaquer ~~~~~~~~~~
Tue-Apr 29, 2008, 6:58 pm - HHS Time

Class: 1972
City & State: Tarzana, CA
Message: Rules? Must there be rules? This should be for the fun of it (unless the grand prize is going to be an '08 Mustang or a vacation in Needles). Maybe Larry Bach can bring a keg of beer to wash things down. On the electric power supply quandry, does anyone have gas-powered generators? (Hopefully, gasoline won't be at $10/gallon in September. Thank goodness propane is still reasonable.) We have to have Coach Chauncey, Pat Macha or other ex-faculty folks there to "supervise" us kids.
Name: Susan King ~~~~~~~~~~
Tue-Apr 29, 2008, 5:59 pm - HHS Time

Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City & State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Wow - I think we have a new event at the picnic! I was thinking like Jessie Corral when I said chile/salsa, but whatever floats your boat! OK then, the game is on. I have received email from Ray Shelley (Tom's brother) with some info on cookoffs and rules and also from Richard from Long Beach, a picnic veteran and appreciate the input. What we need now is the folks who'd like to steer this part of the picnic! This is not a closed society so step up Cougar friends and take the lead! As far as chili, I was hoping we'd save the electric/extension cords for the margarita blenders but what the heck! We are currently recruiting for the Picnic committee - who wants to have fun??
Name: Rick Salisbury ~~~~~~~~~~
Tue-Apr 29, 2008, 5:38 pm - HHS Time

Class: 1975
City & State: Seattle, Wa.
Message: OK, who doesn't know that there is a big difference between salsa and chili. Besides, Debbie makes the best chili, everyone knows that! John, we got the place, forest and trails, plus lot's of parking. I'm guessing the name Cougartown is already taken????????
Name: Armand Vaquer ~~~~~~~~~~
Tue-Apr 29, 2008, 4:29 pm - HHS Time

Class: 1972
City & State: Tarzana, CA
Message: A chili cook-off can be done at a park with electical outlets for people with slow-cookers. Otherwise, camping stoves would do the trick. I would recommend to do the cooking at home and use a slow-cooker or camp stove to keep the chili hot.