The Legend of the "V"girls and the "B"girls

Patty Valencia AKA: V5
This one, you have to watch constantly. I went to move her purse and almost broke my arm. That thing weighed a ton. She musta' been swipin' silverware all over town.

Gloria Valencia Herlosky AKA: V6
Don't let the beauty and the sweet smile fool you on this one. Yeah, living in Las Vegas can only mean one thing....that's right, "Mob Connections". She's also known as "The Enforcer".
Sue Bierman King AKA: "The Ice Man"
This one plays it REAL smooth with that happy go lucky smile on her face all the time. Don't believe it for a minute. DO NOT turn your back on her for a moment. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if she wasn't carrying a straight razor in her garter belt.
Here she's thinking, " Now where did I lay those glasses down."
Sharon Bierman Branigan AKA: "Swifty"
The reason they call her "Swifty" is well......all the other COOL gangster names were taken.
No, the REAL reason is because of her martial arts skills and fast hands. Here, she threatened to judo chop my head off if I didn't get the camera out of her face.

So now you know the REAL story of the "V"Girls and the "B"Girls. Luckily I infiltrated their outfit and got the low down before anybody got hurt. OH, actually there is one more player in this den of thieves. It's a guy known as "Second Story Al". Yeah he's been "playing this group like a tuba" for who knows how long; working undercover for me. Even got engaged to Sue "B". To them, he's known as Daryl.

Here I am paying Daryl....oops, I mean "Second Story Al" off, being VERY careful not to be noticed by the "V"Girls. It's too bad "Al" went to Los Alamitos High. Yeah, that's right, he was a Griffon, whatever the hell that is. Anyway if he'd a been a Cougar, I mighta' kept him on the payroll.

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