Early Telephone Prefixes

Do you remember these early Telephone PRefixes
from the Los Angeles area?
Beach Area - FR ONTIER
Burbank - TH ORNWALL
Compton/Wilmington - NE VADA
Compton - NE WMARK
Culver City - SE QUOIA
Culver City - VE RMONT
El Segundo - EA STGATE
Fountain Valley - JE FFERSON
Gardena - DA VIS
Gardena - FA CULTY
So. Los Angeles - PL YMOUTH
So. Los Angeles - PL EASANT
Hawthorne - OS BORNE
Hollywood/Beverly Hills - GR ANITE
Huntington Park - LU DLOW
Inglewood - OR EGON
Inglewood - OR CHARD
Lomita - DA KOTA
Long Beach - HE MLOCK
Long Beach- SU BURBAN
North Hollywood - PO PLAR
San Pedro - BE ACON
Santa Ana - KI MBERLY
Terminal Island - TE RMINAL
Torrance - FA IRFAX
Westchester - SP RING
According to retired phone guy, Jerry Miles, Los Angeles had over 40 exchanges.
A few more are:
ANgeles, ADams, AXminster, CApitol, DUnkirk, HOllywood, MAdison, NOrmandy, OLive, REpublic, RIchmond, SPruce, SUnset, TExas, TOpaz, TRiangle, TRinity, and WEbster.
Also, the one you couldn't dial without going through the OPERATOR - ZEnith
Movie exchanges were KLondyke 5 and QUincy

Here's a little training film courtesy of another retired phone guy, our own Paco Duran
Also an interesting phone prefix website from Chris Prewitt.

