The History of Hawthorne by Robert S. Hartman |
From Founding to Incorporation - Page 8 of 33
As the area grew, additional streets south of El Segundo (Ballona) were added. They were named for states, Rhode Island, Connecticut south of Ballona was first named Railway Avenue because the steam trains to Redondo ran parallel to the boulevard. Below are photos of the first two houses built by the Hawthorne Land Company. The first (left) was raffled off among those who had purchased lots and was won by a family named Waddel. It is located on Cedar Street. The second house was built on the southeast corner of Hawthorne Boulevard and Raymond (now 120th Street) and later moved to Birch Street. Both homes are still standing and occupied.
![]() The Hawthorne Land Company published and distributed thousands of circulars to entice people to purchase lots and/or homes in the Hawthorne area. The following excerpt from one of the many flyers depicts the enthusiasm of the company to promote Hawthorne as a place to live. HAWTHORNE - BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE SEA
"Within a few minutes ride of the business center of Los Angeles, Hawthorne offers unequaled opportunities. We state without fear of contradiction that Hawthorne is the ideal location for the homeseeker or investor. Go where you may, you cannot find a many favorable features as you will at Hawthorne. Fertile soil with an abundance of pure artesian water in large steel mains, acre homes, poultry raising, vegetable growing, fruits of every description, ideal in every way.
"LOCATION - Hawthorne is located in the very heart of the favored Southwest, being in the direct path of Los Angeles, towards the only natural deep-water seaport in Southern California.
"TRANSPORTATION - Facilities are the best, every possible convenience is offered by the Los Angeles & Redondo Electric R.R. (Inglewood Branch), with three passenger stations on the tract, also freight and Wells-Fargo Express.
"ÍNDUSTRIES - Owing to the favorable location for shipment where rail communication is had with Los Angeles and other points, the industries are sure to increase. Hawthorne at present is noted as being the center of large manufacturing plants, giving employment to many men and women, as will be seen from the cuts on this folder.
"WATER QUESTION - Hawthorne is the fortunate possessor of its own water works, which furnishes an abundant and cheap supply of the purest water, and piped to each lot and acre in six-inch steel mains.
"CONCRETE FACTS -- Hawthorne has several beautiful parks, scores of pretty homes where the streets are well graded and oiled, churches, school and post office, all well located, so with its stores, hotel and restaurant, telephones and electric lights, makes Hawthorne a progressive town where your money will be well invested. As another inducement to buyers, the Hawthorne Land Company built several factories to assure purchasers of homes that there was work in Hawthorne. In the immediate area of 120th Street (Raymond) and Hawthorne Boulevard, a furniture factory made mission and Rattan furniture; an overall factory equipped with power machines turned out work clothing; another factory made ladies' and men's gloves and fancy purses, belts and hat bands. Many of the early homes were paid for by workers in these factories. The land company boasted that there were more jobs than people and this claim has been made even to the present day. The center of industry in 1908 was located at the northeast corner of Hawthorne Boulevard and Raymond Street (now 120th ). The Hawthorne Furniture Manufacturing Company (upper photo) ![]() In 1906 the dozen or so children of school age in the Hawthorne area walked to the Wiseburn School. By 1908 a school was started in a small building on Acacia that served both as a church and a school. The school had about 16 pupils ranging from kindergarten ages to 18 years old.
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